Call or email us to start your adventure!
Contact information
Parade Times
Tuesday & Thursday
@19:00 – 21:00
(Currently only Tuesdays)
Physical Address
Timsbury Crescent
Postal Address
2327 (Havant) Squadron
Air Cadets
Newburgh House
Newburgh Street
SO23 8UY
Email & Telephone
(TEL only available during parade times)
Where are we based?
Note: Google Maps does not show the alleyway or the side road to the Sqn. Apple maps does show both.

Latitude: 50.859013 Longitude: -0.991136
The squadron is in the middle of a residential area and is either accessible via an alleyway (next to Georgia way) along Barncroft Way, or via a side road off of Timsbury Crescent. We recommend using the parking along Barncroft Way to access the squadron using the alleyway.
Access Via Alleyway

Access to Alleyway: Pedestrian access only. There are laybys along Barncroft Way, perfect for drop offs!
Access Via Side road

While vehicular access is possible via the side road at Timsbury Crescent, it not suitable for general access and should only be used with prior arrangement with the squadron. (Please note that the sideroad is unnamed/unmarked).